Bücher Kostenlos , by David Nicholls
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, by David Nicholls

Bücher Kostenlos , by David Nicholls
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 837 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 416 Seiten
Verlag: Hodder & Stoughton (11. Juli 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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It’s 1997, and there are two interweaving stories here. One is the terrible home life of the narrator, Charlie Lewis, an undistinguished and colourless sixteen-year-old. He lives with his deeply depressed father, a former jazz player, whose little chain of music shops has gone bankrupt (There are frequent references to the kind of music young people were listening to in the 1990s.) After many rows, Charlie’s mother has lost patience with her husband and had left him, leaving Charlie to look after his father. The responsibility, and the fear of what his father might do, is a terrible burden on Charlie. He hadn’t been able to concentrate on his schoolwork, had not turned up to sit some of his exam papers. Term had just ended, and he was expecting to fail altogether when the results would be published a couple of months later. For now, he had only a very part-time job in sole charge at a petrol station. There, with a school friend of his, he runs some racket with scratch cards, which I don’t fully understand, but which makes them a bit of money. For the rest, he filled in his empty days just cycling around the town and the nearby countryside.On one of these occasions he comes across a girl (Fran Fisher) who has just sprained her ankle, and he helps walking her back to a manor where she is part of a group a youngsters – some from Charlie’s old school – who have responded to a visit to their school by two people from the “Full Fathom Five Theatre Cooperativeâ€. These two had tried to recruit students to sign up for parts in Romeo and Juliet, which the Cooperative was planning to put on. Charlie has no intention of doing something so highfaluting – he is not at all well-educated - , but he is drawn into it by his interest in Fran.The other part of the story, then, is how he becomes involved in the production. He is allocated to play the part of Samson and – in the absence of a particular actor, the role of Benvolio as well. The many descriptions of how these amateur actors are trained to act are quite excellent. Fran, also sixteen, comes from a more intellectual background. She is very bright, the best actor among them, and she has the role of Juliet. She takes Charlie under her wing and, quite formally, takes him through the play to help him to understand the words and how to speak them. Gradually the relationship between Charlie and Fran becomes closer, then passionate, with titillating and erotic slowness in the narration, going further and further over many days.And then things went terribly wrong for a while, as Charlie’s scratch-card scam was discovered, and there was also a crisis with his father. But “the show must go onâ€.And then – I must not give details – came the “sweet sorrow†of parting.There is an elegiac ending some twenty years later. So, perhaps, “all’s well that ends wellâ€.Nicholls’ evocations of all the embarrassments, emotions and sensations of Charlie’s adolescence are very good. (Fran is certainly the more mature of the two, and she takes the lead in their relationship.) The novel is often witty; but the dialogue between Fran and Charlie just occasionally struck me as a little too sophisticated for sixteen-year-olds. And I have one serious niggle: the exam taken by Fran and Charlie at age sixteen would have been the GCSE, but Fran goes to university the following term. University admission is after A levels, usually taken at around eighteen.
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